Women are world-changers

When women earn their own income, they consistently invest up to 90% into their families. For men it is around 30-40%. The effects reach across generations.

When women have decision-making power over where household income is spent, more money is spent on schooling and food.

When a woman is educated she has fewer children. This means less financial pressure so families can devote more resources to child nutrition, health, and education.

Educated mothers pass on their education to their children, and are twice as likely to send their girls to school. For each extra year a mother is educated, the chance of her baby dying is reduced by 9.5%
So what does this all mean?
It comes down to equal opportunity. When women are given a chance at an education, to learn skills, to access resources to grow their businesses, to develop leadership qualities and be part of a support network, they are set up to thrive. And their communities will thrive too.
By improving prospects for gender equality, we create more inclusive and harmonious societies. We create the foundations for inclusive economic growth. And we support communities to lift themselves out of poverty.
But it's not just for these reasons we support women.
Women are still not equal members of the global community. They are frequently denied the chance to live the life they want. Their voices are suppressed. Their rights are denied.
This is a human rights issue.
Women deserve the chance to live the life they desire. To thrive with independence, choice and power.
The system needs changing, but it's not going to happen overnight, and we can't leave it in the hands of others. Women need the tools to take action themselves.
Everything we do is about helping women unlock their own power.